Back Àbac is the title of the latest show by Àngels Margarit / cia. MUDANCES. A title that refers to the elements brought into play as the starting point of the piece: the infinite, numbers, the music of Bach. This show aims to work with dance and circus artists on the idea of infinity. To do so, it uses Bach’s music as a sound map and universe to weave a sensual, visual choreography inspired by mathematics, with bodies that move in an extraordinary way -or that make any movement seem extraordinary- in this dance score by Àngels Margarit.
Àngels Margarit / cia MUDANCES and Iva Horvat – Agente 129
Back Àbac
Production by Àngels Margarit / cia Mudances,
Coproduction by Mercat de les Flors, Graner Centre de Creació Barcelona,
in collaboration with Can Gassol,Teatre Monumental, direcció de cultura de l’Ajuntament de Mataró.
Creation residence at La Caldera Les Corts, Barcelona
with the collaboration of Central del Circ, Barcelona