Geografies (Geographies) is one of the fragments of the piece Solo por placer (Only for pleasure), a choreography that reflects on space and the trace and looks for correspondences between that which is voice, that which is heard, and that which is palpated. This piece speaks to us of the trace, of energy, precision, the roundness of body that expresses thought and emotion in the moment of occurrence.
Geografies is formally an improvised piece based on a single action, a single concept, but it becomes different each time in its writing, and it leaves images that are produced to provoke dance. The trace as a physical thought, as the print of an emotion: the trace as body’s desire.
g e o g r a f i e s
Placed in the corners and at the centre of one of its sides, three spools of very thin white silk cord await.
A cord writes a dance that a body generates and a hand conducts.
Each cord a voice, a text, a drawing.
One, then another, invents its writing, the third, at random, encloses the others with its movement.
Geography, choreography, calligraphy,
this is a place,
a place on a map,
on an earth,
capricious earth writing its landscape-language
describing a space travels through it, goes inside, lives in it
a body inhabits a landscape,
a body writes its language, from a landscape it inhabits
a landscape, lives a body
is a bodyscape
a thought directs a dance that sculpts a body,
that carves a landscape.
geography that paces off space with innumerable forms
who weaves the thought
who directs the the trace
who sees the voice
the way a body thinks
what weaves movement
Created and performed | Àngels Margarit |
Music | Sor Marie Keyrouz |
Management team |
Montserrat Llabrés, |
Geografies is produced by Àngels Margarit / cia MUDANCES
Place and date of the premiere
Física de l’estètica. Noves fronteres de la ciència, l’art i el pensament.
Organized by KrTU
La Pedrera, Barcelona (Spain)
7th September 2005