
LARANDLAND addresses the city as motif and landscape. It is an aesthetic and abstract work criss-crossed by concrete situations that speak of the inscrutable city, like a living organism, a great body, where interconnected cells and systems invent its shape.

I am interested in the dynamics, the rhythms, the textures, the circuits, the movement become landscape.

The stage space and, especially, the danse are themselves spaces where each movement writes over the previous one, erases the previous one and gives way to many situations that overlap each other in a continuous palimpsest.

LARANDLAND is presented in three parts. The first, Palimpsest, ésis a composition work in continual metamorphosis, seven dancers are the space and the landscape. The second part, Siameses, is a more intimate fragment where different duets take place, and here the space of the dance is the body of the Other. And the third part, Track, which is based on velocity, the risk and the trace, is the most energetic piece.

Àngels Margarit

…The catalogue of the forms is immense: until
each form has not found its city, new
cities will continue to be born. Where the forms
exhaust their variations and are undone, the end
of cities begins. In the last maps,
grids are diluted without beginning or end, city
with the form of Los Angeles, with the form of
Kyoto-Osaka, with no form.

Italo Calvino, Invisible Cities

(translated into English based on the Catalan translation titled Les ciutats invisible: Ed.Empúries, Barcelona, 1985, page 142)

Direction and choreography Àngels Margarit
Creation and interpretation Eneko Alcaraz, Vera Bilbija, Gustavo Lesgart, Isabel López, Miryam Mariblanca, Joan Palau and Dori Sánchez
Original music Oriol Rossell
Vídeo Núria Font
Lighting Maria Domènech
Costumes Ariadna Papió
Artístic collaboration María Muñoz
Other music Sonata for strings. Op. 2 nº 1 in D Major, de A.Corelli y
FIRE de Ghazal (Kayhan Calor, Shujaat Husain Khan i Sandeep Bas)
Sound and video technician
and technical coordination
Marc Ases
Lighting technician Conrado Parodi
Larandland Production Teresa Carranza
Management team Montserrat Llabrés,
David Márquez,
Meritxell Bausà

Larandland is a production of Àngels Margarit/cia. MUDANCES and Teatre Lliure, Barcelona (Spain) with the collaboration of Teatre-Auditori, Granollers (Spain) and Barcelona-Catalunya Film Commission.

Place and date of the premiere

Teatre Lliure. Barcelona
25th May 2006

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Larandland, un espectacle emocionant i transgressor que va captivar i sorprendre el públic,…

Estefania Marin, El 9 Nou, 8 Mai 2006

Larandland es un trabajo con el que Àngels Margarit da un salto cualitativo en su línea creativa. Parece que haya condensado con madurez toda su trayectoria profeional y la esté destilando con los trazos más sobresalientes de sus orígenes: la abstracción…

Rosli Ayuso, El Mundo, 30 de maig de 2006

…reconeixem l’energia més vital que caracteritza Margarit.

Bàrbara Raubert, Avui, 30 Mai de 2006

…una pequeña joya en medio del ruido de la ciudad,…
La pieza dibuja, a lo vivo, la metamórfosis urbana de forma muy visual, tanto que sus coreografías evocan vidas y mundos que permanecen en la memoria.

José Antonio Aguado, Diari de Terrassa, 31 Mai 2006