Otros Caprichos, 60’
Choreography for Danza Contemporánea de Cuba.
La Habana, Cuba, 2015
Palimseste, 30’
Choreography for the 4th year students at Coline. Professional training for contemporary dance performers. Maison de la Danse d’Istres.
France, 2015
Ginger, 45’
Choreography for the 4th year students at Opleiding Moderne theaterdans.
Amsterdam, Holland, 2014
Órbitas y derivas, 60′
Collaboration with CND-Compañía Nacional de Danza. Premiered at the Teatro de la Zarzuela.
Madrid, 2011.
Track, 15′
Choreography based on the materials from the third part of Larandland for the third year students of contemporary dance at the Skolen for Moderne Dans.
Copenhagen, Denmark, 2010.
Tèrbol, 12′
Choreography with materials from Tèrbola for workshops for students in the 6th course of contemporary dance at the Institut del Teatre.
Barcelona, Spain, 2005.
Espèces d’espaces, 23’
Creation based on the repertoire of El Somriure for the Compagnie Coline, in residence at La Maison de la Danse d’Istres.
France, 2003.
Margarita la Tornera
Choreography of the opera by Carlos Fernández Shaw and Ruperto Chapí directed by Emilio Sagi.
Madrid, Spain, 2000.
Ella diu el vent, 40’
Creation for the Watton & Edwards Company.
London, England, 1999.
Rafales, 28’
Creation for the CNDC-L’Esquisse.
The Centre National de Danse d’Angers invites Àngels Margarit to create a choreography for the last year students as part of the programme AVANT PREMIÈRES.
The choreographies by Carlotta lkeda and by Dominique Dupuy shared programme.
Angers, France, 1998.
Fragments, 28′
Version of a section of Suite d’estiu recomposed for 16 people as a repertory workshop for students in the 7th course of contemporary dance at the Institut del Teatre.
Barcelona, Spain, 1997.
Noria, 25’
Creation for the Espacio Alterno Company of Caracas.
Venezuela, 1994.
Vuit Dones amb Vermell
Choreography for the Nit del Cava, inauguration of Reventós i Blanc cava wines.
Barcelona 1989.
Friso, 5′
Barcelona. 1984.
Duna, 12′
Prize Tórtora València.
Barcelona. 1983.
Temps al Biaix, 60′
Choreography for Heura Dansa Contemporània.
Barcelona. 1982.
Potes, 10′
Choreography for Heura Dansa Contemporània.
Barcelona. 1980.
Laia, 10′
Choreography for the Ballet Contemporani de Barcelona. 1978.
Órbitas y derivas