m.a.p. mudances aula pedagògica – Change of dates!

Please note change of date to start training!
We had to change dates of rehearsals, sorry for the inconvenience.

The opened trainings with the Angels Margarit / cia MUDANCES will begin on 14 September.


Trainings from 9:30h to 10:50h with:

*Àngels Margarit/contemporary

14,16,19,21,23,27,28,29,30 september/Graner

24 to 28 october/Graner

*Andrés Corchero/body weather

15,20,22 setembre/Graner

*Dory Sánchez/ioga

4,6,11,13,18,20 octubre/La Caldera les Corts

Tickets for 10 training days 60€

You can register yourself directly on the training day.

AMatteo_Fargion_Foto_Amin_WeberWe take this opportunity to remind you that there are places during composition for dance and musicwith Matteo Fargion.

Crossing stage and other scores”.

17 i 18 september 2016 from 14h to 18:30h in La Caldera.

Price 105 €

Info and registrations::

+34 934.156.851aula@lacaldera.info

On 17, 18 and 19 March 2017 and Fargion Burrows presented a retrospective of his work at the Flower Market.
Transactions:  Hysterical Furniture – scores.motionbank.org and 52portraits.co.uk


Do not miss it!!