Please note change of date to start training!
We had to change dates of rehearsals, sorry for the inconvenience.
The opened trainings with the Angels Margarit / cia MUDANCES will begin on 14 September.
Trainings from 9:30h to 10:50h with:
*Àngels Margarit/contemporary
14,16,19,21,23,27,28,29,30 september/Graner
24 to 28 october/Graner
*Andrés Corchero/body weather
15,20,22 setembre/Graner
*Dory Sánchez/ioga
4,6,11,13,18,20 octubre/La Caldera les Corts
Tickets for 10 training days 60€
You can register yourself directly on the training day.
AWe take this opportunity to remind you that there are places during composition for dance and musicwith Matteo Fargion.
“Crossing stage and other scores”.
17 i 18 september 2016 from 14h to 18:30h in La Caldera.
Price 105 €
Info and registrations::
On 17, 18 and 19 March 2017 and Fargion Burrows presented a retrospective of his work at the Flower Market.
Transactions: Hysterical Furniture – and
Do not miss it!!